Monday, March 3, 2014

A successful 1st week back!

Last Sunday I found myself feeling refreshed and in-control of Weight Watchers, myself and my life. I know that sounds a bit extreme, but it's amazing what getting back into an old healthy habit will do for you!  It probably also was nice that it felt like spring last weekend - now I'm sitting staring outside my window wearing a fleece AND a sweatshirt, thick socks and slippers with little numb fingers staring at the 5 inches of snow that are laying on my grass.  Dear tulips and spring colors - take me to the warm weather.
In the first week & a half I lost approx. 4 lbs.  Now according to the weight I first put in, it says I lost about 7 lbs, but I know the 1st time I weighed myself it was mid-morning, not 1st thing in the morning AND I don't encourage promoting unhealthy weight loss. I know even 4 lbs sounds a bit extreme, but I think it's because of my drastic change in eating. Suddenly I'm eating a ton more veggies & fruits. I'm seeking out non-fat options (which normally I'd ignore, but they're actually worth it!), and our meals were much lighter. I noticed by even Friday, I was modifying what I was eating at restaurants and not stuffing my face like usual. (that's not to say I still won't do that).  So yay for healthy starts! I know I won't be losing 4 lbs a week for the weeks to come, I'm lucky & successful to even lose 1 lb, but I am in it for the long haul, so let's do this!
Stuffed Zucchini

I figured I would share a few of my successful recipes from last week. My new favorite go-to-weight-watchers-friendly-blog is EmilyBites. She's great! She makes yummy meals, and uses simple substitutions like fat free options.  Two of my favorites last week were the Stuffed Zucchini & the Zucchini casserole. Both were extremely satisfying & really delicious.
Zucchini Casserole

I also wanted to share my new go-to sweet satisfy-er.  I know a lot of people that do weight watchers swear by that veggie loaded soup. And honestly a few summers ago when I tried weight watchers, I liked the soup. Last year when I tried it? I wasn't a fan. I'm not sure what it is, but I'm just not a big fan of the veggie soup. So instead my new filling & satisfying go to snack & lunch addition is Natural Unsweetened Applesauce.  ZERO points!  I guess you have to like applesauce, but I like to consider this my little secret to success =).  

Have a great hopefully not-snowy day!! - Jack =)


  1. I LOVE unsweetened applesauce. I also use it for baking, it works great in place of oil.

  2. I love that applesauce! I add it to my stone cut oatmeal! Check out my recipe. I'm not sure how many points it is per serving, but it is really filling and full of fiber and you could probably forget the sweetener all together!
